Geoinformation systems for road construction
Until decades GIS Consult is an expert for management systems for road building authorities.
On federal level, this knowledge is supported via BISStra, the federal road information system street. The road information pool North Rhine-Westphalia, NWSIB, was developed for North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and many district administrations to cover the field of the classified road network of federal motorways, main roads, national roads and county roads. The autonomous web portal NWSIB online complimented NWSIB and enables a huge user group access to different road networks and road inventory information location independent. The collected information of the single productive systems is merged in the geodata warehouse information management road.
GC SIB supports municipalities with their strategic maintenance management. Many modules allow to collect and show road characteristics like condition or traffic signs. Furthermore, the tool “GC Activity” is a solution for the operational service of roads.
All shown tools are focused on marketable standards like ASB, OKSTRA, OKSTRA municipal or the EEMI.
Thanks to the historicized data, a key date evaluation is possible.
A sophisticated portfolio with many benefits:
- Geographic information systems for federal governments or administration, federal states and municipalities
- Future proofed development of road data bases
- Manage databases on all levels efficiently and provide them to external service companies
- Collection of condition data onsite
- Consultation and support for the asset valuation of road infrastructure
- Integration in e-government processes (management of maintenance or departure e.g.).
The federal road information system street (BISStra) is used by the ‘Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen’, (BASt: Federal Institute road sector) and the ‘Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr’, (BMDV: Federal Ministry for digital and traffic) since 1998 to manage the classified road network in Germany.
The road information pool North Rhine-Westphalia, NWSIB, is a base system and manages the fundamental data of the supra regional road network (federal motorways, main roads, national roads and county roads). It combines in detail the current and precise information about road network, road inventory and road use with a detailed digital road map.
NWSIB online
The web portal NWSIB online enables road building authorities to work location independent. Thanks to the project participation and alliance of the Federal States as well as the task force ‘NWSIB Kreise’, NWSIB online is for counties a sustainable and future oriented investment in infrastructure management.
GC Activity
GC Activity helps to control and manage the road operational services of municipalities, counties and the federal states custom fit. GC Activity enables the documentation of track inspections and to put damages in the „to do list“.