NRM LIS Entschädigungstool

The NRM LIS Entschädigungstool is a modular addition for NRM LIS. It enables to show the „rights and burdens“ of protective strips as well as the contracts about compensation areas that are using inventory. This function is based on upon a special tool for geometry intersections. 

Plots and owners that are recorded in NRM LIS are displayed in tables named protective strips and compensation areas. You can also see the query parameters public owners and distance (buffer zone to create the protective strips in meters) in the global Smallworld options.  

The functions:  

  • Automated creation of protective strips: Areas of protective strips can be displayed with a predefined width for one ore more objects (pipes). The protective strips have a reference to the supply object and a relation to the touched plots.  
  • Automated creation of compensation areas: Based on the object protective strip, you can initiate a function to create compensation areas. This function determines all relevant plots of NRM LIS per protective strip and creats the interface including a preference to the plots in NRM LIS. Plots that were not yet defined in NRM LIS will be completed.  
  • Calculation of the whole compensation area on a plot: This value will be shown as a logical box on the NRM LIS plot. The compensation areas are relational related with the plot. 
  • Owner identification: Because the compensation areas are relational related between the plots and the protective strips, the plot owners can easily be determined.  
  • Application forms: You can define templates and fill them via mail merge function automated with GIS informations. The documentation of application forms is part of the NRM LIS contract.  
Your contact
Marcus Praschan
Marcus Praschan
Account manager
Phone: (+49) 2364 – 9218-86