OpenStreetMap as a high-quality, topical and free background map
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is an international project, founded in 2004. Its goal is to create a free world map. OSM collects worldwide data about roads, railways, rivers, forests, buildings and everything else, that you can generally find on maps.
Free background maps
OSM has grown to a serious alternative to paid map services in Germany. You can see that the direct integration of OSM into existing GIS infrastructures is increasing.
Local service
GC OSM SOM enables to search for adresses via integrating the NOMINATIM-search service. This service also allows to search for other (alternative) location names.
Your contact
![Achim Weßling](
The OSM-integration supports us in sales tasks or planning expansion projects, especially in areas where cadastral data is outdated or not available. From an administration point of view, it is important, it can be integrated and updated without problems and that it runs solidly.
![Guido Schürmann](