Federal road information system street (Bundesinformationssystem Straße)
Since 1998, BISStra is used by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) and the Federal Ministry for digital and traffic (BMDV) to manage the classic road network in Germany. BISStra has a core system and different extensions. These systems collect all necessary data of the street databases of the states and allow us to visualize and evaluate them comprehensively. Not only BISStra has reached a big importance but also BISStraWeb (based on OSIRIS Geoserver).
In BISStra the different systems are combined to a nationwide street network and BISStraWeb spreads this information via browser to all workplaces. This enables an important base, for example in realizing the Plan for Federal Traffic Routes 2023 (Bundesverkerhswegeplan 2023).
Another function allows us to collect service areas and crossing assistances. This enables the 16 Federal States to combine the new data collection about the occupancy of service areas (for example amount of parking spaces for cars and trucks or electric charging stations) in a central system. Furthermore, this data is matched with the BISStra-database daily. Manual care is needless.