Documentation of equipment according to DIN standards

The data model NRM Water for Smallworld is based on the needs of water suppliers to document their equipment in a comprehensive way. Based on common sets of rules (DIN 2425 e.g.), this data model maps the water-pipe system from waterwork to the connection of the individual consumer.

NRM Water differentiates, like in real life, between

  • Production pipes
  • Transport pipes
  • Supply lines
  • Connecting pipes

Goal of the developement of data model is to realize a most universal and far-reaching usable „standard“ solution to cover all needs – something that NRM Water already achieves nowadays. By implementing future requirements, this product will constantly expand its scope.

Presentation of the water pipes

NRM Water visualizes the pipe geometries of water pipes parallel to backgroundinformation that is shown as cadastral data. Via the editor, you can display individual object attributes simultaneously.

Your contact
Marcus Praschan
Marcus Praschan
Account manager
Phone: (+49) 2364 – 9218-86
Andreas Zirwes
Tel.: (+49) 179 – 94 37 488