
Bittner & Krull

Bittner+Krull captures network- and systemoperators and is a leader in processes of the energy industry. The basis of their solutions is a product portfolio that includes, among others, a customer portal, a collaboration portal for construction processes and workforce solutions including a mobile app. These products are combined with existing systems to build an ecosystem of platforms.
Partner Logo ddgi

Deutscher Dachverband für Geoinformation e.V.

DDGI is a non-profit organization committed to promote geoinformation technology and geodesy in Germany. The association represents the interests of experts from science, administration and business and promotes exchange between them.

GE Energy

GE Energy is a global company, specialized in developing and manufacturing systems for energy generation and energy distribution. Its portfolio inclueds for example gas- and steamturbines, wind power stations and technology for power grids. GE Energy strives to create worldwide sustainable energy solutions.
Partner Logo interactive instruments

interactive instruments

Specialist in the geospatial information environment - with a focus on solutions based on web technologies and standards. Interactive instruments is one of the leading organizations in developing open standards for geodata infrastructures (GDI) and spatial data infrastructures (SDI).
Partner Logo RIB IMS


The CAFM software IMSWARE is now called iTWO fm. With the rebranding, manufacturer RIB IMS wants to demonstrate the integration of IMSWARE into the product group of iTWO solutions and underlines its affiliation with the RIB Group's BIM-, construction-, planning- and property-management-systems.
Partner Logo K I M

Kommunales Infrastructur Management

„Kommunales Infrastuktur Management Straße e.V.“ is an association of experts from public administration, economy and science. It is committed to the sustainable development and optimization of road infrastructure and offers advice, training and exchange platforms.
Partner Logo lverma NRW

Landesvermessungsamt NRW

The “Landesvermessungsamt NRW” (department for national survey North Rhine-Westphalia) is a state authority that’s responsible for creating and maintaining topographic maps. It’s also responsible for the real estate cadastral of North Rhine-Westphalia. The “Landesvermessungsamt NRW” provides geospatial data and services and supports regional planning and state development.
Partner Logo NIS AG


NIS AG supports utilities with their business and operational tasks. Based on the GIS-products from GE, NIS AG provides applications for network information systems to support business processes and optimize network operations.
Partner Logo Oracle


Oracle is a leading provider of database and cloud technologies. Its database is a relational solution for database management to support organizations and companies that are searching for a reliable, secure and high-performance storage and management of their data. It also offers a wide range of cloud platforms and cloud services for various business requirements.
Partner Logo SEPM


SEPM has longtime experience because of many projects and the continuous development of SEPM product solutions. Their services and products are developed for different business areas, for example energy suppliers (electricity, gas, water, wastewater, heating), telecommunications (mobile communications, landline), authorities (local, regional), logistics (road, trail) or real estate managements.
Logo Torresin & Partner

Torresin & Partner

Torresin & Partner LLC was founded in 1993 and is a group of engineers. They started their business to make the, at that time still young geoinformation industry, their main business area.

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